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Tips On Dealing With Clogged Sewer Lines


Orange County Plumbers know that if you’ve ever owned a house, it’s likely you have had to deal with a problem with a sewer line. So what steps can you take or what should you look out for in order to help prevent these issues from happening in the future? 

Implementing A Technician

Orange County plumbers claim that a specialist can help you understand the cause of the problem. It is important to realize that flushing is not always a good idea. What do we mean by that? Take a look below. 

External Parts

According to Orange County Plumbers, wood from your yard and maybe even your neighbor can turn into the porous material in someone’s sewer lines, particularly at the joints.

Water won’t flow if there is an excessive amount of debris. It is important to flush everything. Anything that doesn’t quickly and easily break down increases the chance of being grabbed and held onto. Which will lead to further damage in the future. 

Pipes Clogged

According to Orange County plumbers, toilet paper is designed to be disposed of in the sewer and septic systems. Toilet paper of ultra and plush varieties can take longer to dissolve and absorb electricity, making them clumps of paper that will not be able to reach the city sewer main.

This toilet paper is difficult to pass through your home’s plumbing. Remember throwing spit wads in elementary school and having them stuck to the ceiling of the bathrooms? Well, if it can stick to that for a long period of time, imagine what it can do to your pipes!!! The combination of sewer roots and toilet paper can lead to major problems.

Feminine Hygiene Products

Maybe not the applicators, but the Tampons (which almost all girls know aren’t flushable), regardless of how the cotton/rayon Tampon is to be flushed.

They are small enough that they can pass through the waste traces. However, they shouldn’t be able to break down paper products. Wrap them in toilet paper, just as you would feminine pads, and throw them away. If roots get in the way of the tampons, they can cause a blockage.

Other Products that Clog

Wipes and paper towels are two other items that claim they can be flushed but actually can cause problems in your sewer.

They are made from paper so they will dissolve quickly. It is better to dispose of it in the trash than flush it down the drain. This applies to products such as cotton balls/swabs, dental floss, and other similar items.


If you have any questions, call our 24/7 Rapid Response Team at 949-328-6002 or email us at [email protected] – If you want more information online, please visit us @https://www.OlsonSuperior.com

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