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Our 24 Hour Emergency Lake Forest Plumbers say that a clogged toilet is bound to happen, but how do you know which plunger to use??? Let us show you which is the right one!

Today we will be talking about what is known as the Beehive Plunger and the Forced Cup Plunger. They are 2 different types of plungers that serve 2 different purposes.

Plunger #1:

The first plunger with the orange wooden handle is known as a Forced Cup Plunger.

Toilet Unclog | Toilet Plunger | 24 Hour Emergency Plumber | Lake Forest, CA

The reason it’s called that is because it kind of looks like a cup. They typically come on a wooden stick and they have a flat surface on the bottom of the cup. They’re typically used for a bathtub or sink, something with a flat surface.

Plunger #2:

The second plunger is known as the beehive plunger.

Toilet Unclog | Toilet Plunger | 24 Hour Emergency Plumber | Lake Forest, CA

These plungers are specifically used for toilets. The beehive plunger is our preferred plunger because it fits all toilet types.

How to Unclog Your Toilet Properly:

Make sure that you don’t just stick the beehive plunger in the bowl and start plunging away. There are a couple of extra steps you need to know to make sure you are using it correctly

The first thing you should know is that the Beehive plunger does not go in up and down!

You have to angle it towards the toilet. the reason for that is that you want to collect water into the head of the plunger. After you give it a few pumps, you will tilt it upright and plunge for about 20 seconds pulsing it up and down.

Toilet Unclog | Toilet Plunger | 24 Hour Emergency Plumber | Lake Forest, CA

After you’re done plunging and your toilet is unclogged you might want to clean it and put it away properly. In order to do so, follow these next steps.

We recommend adding a little disinfectant or bleach while the plunger is still in the toilet bowl. Pour your preferred cleaning solution directly into the toilet bowl right on top of the plunger. You can use the water in the bowl to swish or swirl around the plunger, let the plunger sit in the bowl for about 20 minutes, close the lit, and walk away.

Toilet Unclog | Toilet Plunger | 24 Hour Emergency Plumber | Lake Forest, CA

If your toilet is still clogged and the problem did not go away, make sure and read our last blog post about using the Ridgid K3 Auger to unclog your toilet!!!


If you have any questions, call our 24/7 Rapid Response Team at 949-328-6002 or email us at [email protected] – If you want more information online, please visit us @ https://www.OlsonSuperior.com

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