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Lake Forest Plumbing pros say, your home’s main sewer line is buried beneath the yard, making it difficult to identify a potentially broken sewer-line.

Assessing – Lake Forest Plumbing

Lake Forest Plumbing pros say, every now and then, your toilet, drain or sink can experience a drain that gets a little plugged up, in these instances a clog can be a quick fix.

But when a clog occurs frequently, especially at multiple drains, this might be a sign of an obstructed sewer-line.

Soggy Water Spots In The Yard

Lake Forest Plumbing pros say, a leaking sewer line can be caused with a break or collapse.

Some of these leaks are harder to detect than others, especially in areas where the sewage line is buried deep underground.

While a leak within the sewer line is all but invisible, it might manifest itself in warmer climates where it isn’t necessary to spoil lines heavy because of a shallow frost.

Unsavory Odors

You can’t always see a sewage line problem, but there’s a good chance that you’ll smell it.

Any odor of sewer gas that is powerful enough to permeate a house is a telltale sign of a plumbing problem.

This might be a indication of a sewer line clog, even as backups will often push smelly sewer gases up drains.

However, if the odor is especially potent in the yard, the more likely scenario is that the sewer line is leaking.


If you have any questions, call our 24/7 Rapid Response Team at 949-328-6002. If you want more information online, please visit us @ https://www.OlsonSuperior.com


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