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Notable Failures From Your Plumbing


Most of the time, if you encounter a broken sewer pipe you can easily find out because the odor will easily give it away.

Smells A Bit

An unpleasant sewage odor in your home generally is an indication that there is a problem with your sewage system. It could be as seamless as a clogged pipe, but that will put unnecessary strain on the full system and may lead to further problems.

Bill Suddenly Goes Up

In addition, Orange County Plumbers say, your water bill can also be an essential indicator of a damaged pipe. If your water bill is all of a sudden higher than it has been in the past, there’s a pretty good chance that you have a broken or damaged water pipe somewhere on your property. An exceptional Orange County Plumber will clearly understand where to look for the break and ought to really be able to locate the broken pipe without any problems.

Water Damage

If it’s not too severe, you may be able to locate the broken pipe if you take a look around for signs of water damage. Puddles of water under a bathtub or sink are a sure indication that you have a leak or cracked pipe. Damp drywall is another indication that there’s a busted pipe somewhere in the wall. If you find any of these signs, then you should call a local Orange County plumber right away to help avoid any further water damage.

Other Crucial Failures To Watch Out For:

Exposure to Pressure: If something blocks a pipe, whether it is inside your house or on your sewer line, pressure will build up encouraging that clog. General causes of clogged pipes are things such as throwing cooking grease down the drain and flushing paper towels or sanitary products down the toilet.

Age of Your Plumbing System: Many homes in the US were assembled in the 1950s and 1960s, meaning a large percentage of plumbing is more than 50 years of age, and older pipes are more susceptible to break.

Mature Grown Trees Near Water Lines: Tree roots find water and nutrients from buried water and sewer lines. The are a frequent cause of pipe clogs and breakage.

Poor Drainage: Clay soil will be more corrosive than sandy soil and minerals from the soil can weaken pipes as a result.

Flushing Corrosive Materials: Pouring materials such as paint remover, other strong solvents, or regular use of drain cleaners, can weaken your indoor plumbing and your sewer lines.


If you have any questions, call our 24/7 Rapid Response Team at 949-328-6002 or email us at [email protected] – If you want more information online, please visit us @https://www.OlsonSuperior.com

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