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Lake Forest Plumbers say, there are just 3 main categories of water damage that take place from a broad range of causes.

Water Lineup Busted – Lake Forest Plumbers

Lake Forest Plumbing pros say a rupture of a drain waste and ventilation (DWV) pipe can cause it to carry gray water.

This would be a backup of a sewage line sending biologically contaminated black water by means of a building.

Natural Disaster

Lake Forest Plumber say, what can also happen, is a natural disaster where brackish runoff or seawater floods the property.

These 3 classifications are based on the amount of contamination of the water accountable for the damage.

There Are 3 Water Damage Classifications:

  • Category 1 – Typically consist of broken distribution lines, irrigation methods, overflowing containers utilizing no contaminants or even natural sources such as rain or meltwater. This is recognized as ”fresh” water.
  • Category 2 – This is where the water contains significant contamination and potentially can cause nausea or discomfort if humans consume or are in contact with this. This form of water contains unsafe levels of microorganisms and/or chemical or biological matter such as diluted bacteria, urine, seepage from hydrostatic stress or ruptured storage tanks. This is nicely referred to as ”gray” water.
  • Category 3 – This is where the water is ”grossly contaminated” and contains harmful pathogenic and toxigenic agents. Raw sewage is by far the most usual offender of ”black” water and can be deadly for people and damage to property if sewage damage restoration is perhaps not entirely remediated. Sources of black water include sanitary sewer backups, brackish water from rivers and streams, flooding seawater and all forms of ingress from natural episodes where contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals are carried to a building.

Don’t Wait Too Long

Lake Forest Plumbing pros say it is important to remember that certain categories of water damage can amplify to a critical category if not remediated quickly.

Wet, warm and enclosed areas are perfect breeding grounds for organic pathogens.

Spores multiply and eventually become mold that can precede an easy spill into a hazardous and pricey situation.


If you have any questions, call our 24/7 Rapid Response Team at 949-328-6002. If you want more information online, please visit us @ https://www.OlsonSuperior.com

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